Sunday, October 1, 2017

Photos:- The Enahoros' 10th Anniversary Celebration.

Mr and Mrs Johnson Enahoro.
On the 28th of July 2017, these blessed couples celebrated their 10th year in marriage. They are blessed with two girls and  two boys. The journey of their successful marriage began so rough you could watch up to 10 episodes of their true life story if it was to be a movie. But as the Bible says "better is the end than the beginning", so their marriage success story indeed have an awesome end worth worshipping Jesus Christ for...

Mr and Mrs Prosper Rotmwa Egeonu decided to reach SwaGG News Africa to help celebrate these splendid couples for being a blessing and motivation to their own early days of marriage.

The Egeonu's said "the Enahoros' are a gift and light to the world. We bless God for their souls. May the Enahoros' grow old in their arms with LOVE, PEACE, and UNITY as the spies of their future, but in good health and divine abundance". We say a thunderous Amen!!

More pictures are shown below:-

Mrs Rotmwa Egeonu & Mrs Bilkis Enahoro
Pictures by Winner Photography 08180555220

Posted by @pocarlee

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